Tuesday 11 September 2012

Hi everyone;yesterday after going to the service at Christ Church, we drove from Jerusalem to Valley of Elah where David fought Goliath. We got some stones from the stream bed for everyone.

Then we stopped in at the gravesite of David Ben Gurion, the Prime Minister of Israel when the state was declared in 1948.You may remember his picture in the Hall of Indepenedence where we went in Tel Aviv.
Then we drove through the desert to our
Sukkah in the Desert. It is owned by an Israeli man who is 9th generation living in Israel. His family came here in 1838. We eat in a communal hall and the food is cooked by the guy who owns it. The cabins have solar power and the shower water is heated by the desert sun.
Today we went hiking in the Ramon Crater, the biggest of it's kind in the world. Is was supposed to be formd from an ocean and erosion similar to the story about the Grand Canyon.

 There were some interesting rock formations, a wall of Ammonite fossils that are supposed to be several million years old and a fortress that was a Nabatean shelter on the spice route from the East through Petra to Gaza during the first century.
Right now we are in an internet cafe because the desert sukkahs do not have wifi.
Maybe we will come here again tomorrow and do our blog and have capuccino in an air conditioned space:-) 
ps I found my books-I left them at the school!!!!!

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