Sunday 16 September 2012

The B&B in Arad was a nice change from the desert "camping" experience. It is hosted by a lovely Jewish believer in Jesus named Karen.
We visited Rick & Dafna Wienecki in their home which was a 15 min. walk from our B & B.
Here is the view from their backyard-right into the desert!
The day before we got there, he was trying to put up a new tarp roof on the Fountain of Tears and fell from the ladder. He had no permanent injury other than very sore muscles where he landed.
The first day we were able to have a good visit because Rick needed to rest. We spent the whole day there and had a wonderful time talking with them about Israel and his vision as an artist and his experinces in the 33 years he has lived here. The second day we spent the whole day getting really dirty helping him get the new tarp roof up.
Some very interesting projects are beginning to unfold especially in Poland. He is hoping to make a "Fountain of Tears Garden" near Auschwitz death Camp.
The Fountain of Tears is based on Jeremiah 9:1,
 "Oh Lord that my head were a spring of water and my eyes a fountain of tears that I would weep day and night for the lost of my people."
 This was the cry and prayer of Jeremiah,and it is also (Rick's) prayer that the Lord would remember the six million and pay back all that was taken from God's people as a result of the holocaust. RW
Today we drove back to Jerusalem on the road along the Dead Sea. Here is a view coming towards it from Arad. I think we stopped at this lookout in 2005.
Last week we emailed Yehuda Zabari. He was leading a tour group that ended today on Sept 15 and has come to our apartment to visit and to stay overnight. We tried to send you a greeting from him but it would not upload an avi file to the blog so we will try to email it to you.
This is Rosh Hashona (the new year and therefore the need to repent and prepare for the year ahead) and the following link will give you a flavor of the feast especially the blowing of the Shofar which some think it necessary to get our attention and to focus on the need at hand.
Rabbi Sack's (Chief Rabbi of Briton) quote's two Psalms for this festival: 63 "O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you ..." & 139 "O Lord, you have searched me and you know me, ..." Read all of 139 as it is especially relevant for Rosh Hashona and the need for repentance.

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