Friday 7 September 2012

Today we went to 3 places in the countryside around Jerusalem. The first was Yad Hashmona (the eight) for a folk music concert. It is a guesthouse started by Finnish people who lost eght Jewish people from their town who were turned over to the Nazi's in WW2 and killed.
they have re-created a model of an ancient olive press.

The second place was a tinycheese farm that makses excellent goat cheese using organic and traditional methods without electricity other than a generator. We bought some cheese and bread and had a picnic.

Then we went to a really nice restaurant in the hills of Judea for dinner overlooking the West Bank green line. There was a beautiful sunset.

Tomorrow is Sabbath so everything is closed. We will stay home and write in my journal and restup for the trip to the Ramon Crater.

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